Speaker — Terri Hanson Mead

speaker and panelist

Symposia 2017, Host Julie Gordon White

Symposia 2017, Host Julie Gordon White


Terri is an energetic and passionate speaker and readily makes connections on a wide range of topics. She has a diverse background as an experienced IT systems and compliance consultant for life science companies, expert witness, commercially rated helicopter pilot, author, travel vlogger and blogger, and angel investor.

She provides a fresh perspective on early stage investing and what it takes for women to excel in business, as founders, as investors and to live authentic lives. Terri also brings out her passion for advocating for women in both on panels as well as individually on stage.

Terri Hanson Mead is available for speaking engagements on the following topics:

Piloting Your Own Life: There are so many social pressures and expectations for women in this world that it is easy to lose one's bearings and disconnect from one's internal compass.  Now more than ever, it is important to set your own destination (vision) and define your core values (set your compass) and make all of your decisions in support of both.   You will need to trust yourself as not everything will go according to plan.  But, all of this will enable  you to  live your life authentically, without apology,  and be the pilot in your own life.  

Midlife Women: Midlife is not a crisis; it’s an opportunity for women. Terri speaks candidly and amusingly about her experience as a woman over the age of 40 in life, love, as a parent, as a founder, as an investor, and as a helicopter pilot. She shares her passion for encouraging other women to create and live a more meaningful and impactful life of their choosing.

Terri was AWESOME
Her talk was thought provoking.
She was so authentic and energetic
She has a lot of courage to be vulnerable.......
— Unconcious Bias talk at Stryker-Audience feedback

Claiming Your Power as a Woman in a Bro-Centric, Ageist, Sexist Startup Ecosystem: As an angel investor, Terri witnessed a broken startup and funding ecosystem that does not effectively benefit women founders or women investors. She shares her journey into angel investing and how she’s struggled as an investor in a bro-centered, sexist and ageist ecosystem. Terri inspires women to see opportunity in the challenges and look for ways for women to come together to change the world.

Digging in with the Investor: Early Stage Investing Due Diligence: Why do angel investors perform due diligence? What do they look for? As a founder, what should I be prepared for? As an angel investor, Terri performed various levels of due diligence on startups leading up to investing in these companies. She shares what she did, why she did it, what she looked for, and candidly includes real-life stories as examples, including when she didn’t follow her own advice.

Demographics are Shifting, Have your investments? As the market demographics are shifting to put more spending power in the hands of previously underrepresented populations, investors are not investing in companies that serve these markets to the same degree.  Women control 80% of the money spent in households, and yet they are not recognized as a large market demographic by investors. Terri discusses the benefits of paying attention to demographics in choosing investments as well as why investing in non-cis-het-white men founders makes good investing sense.

Risks of SaaS in Life Sciences and How to Mitigate Them: SaaS systems appear to be the panacea for organizations wishing to reduce their overall IT costs and the burden of managing IT departments and associated technology. This has led to the shift of system selection and implementation from centralized IT to distributed functional managers introducing unexpected risks to regulated companies. Terri outlines the risks to life sciences companies and constructive strategies for mitigating the risks.

Auditing Cloud (SaaS) and External Hosting Vendors: Gone are the days when companies had all of their systems and servers on-premise as the technology has shifted to the Cloud with SaaS (or IaaS, PaaS) or to external hosting providers. Regulated companies in the life sciences space can’t just toss the responsibility over to a vendor and walk away as they retain the responsibility and ownership of the systems, processes, and data. Like outsourcing to a contract manufacturer, life sciences companies must verify their vendors meet their minimum requirements for processes and procedures which is done through vendor audits. Terri recommends a risk-based approach to these audits and provides actionable steps for scheduling, performing, reporting, and monitoring using a company’s vendor audit procedures.

IT Strategy and IT Compliance in Life Sciences:  Terri brings nearly 25 years of experience working in and with emerging biotech, medical device, diagnostic, and digital health companies to the stage in a practical, rational, tailored (non-cookie cutter), right-sized, and risk based approach with the following topics:

  • 21 CFR Part 11 and Data Integrity

  • Computer Validation

  • IT Project Management

  • IT System Selection

  • Aligning IT Strategy with Corporate Strategy

  • Operationalizing Compliance Requirements in IT (FDA, SOX, GDPR)

For speaking and media inquiries, please contact terrihansonmead@gmail.com or send a note via the form below.


speaker, podcast, and panel appearances

An extensive list of appearance and and videos of several panels and presentations appear here.

An extensive list of appearance and and videos of several panels and presentations appear here.

Terri has been featured as a guest on podcasts that focus on business, consulting and Angel investing. Visit this page to find listen to her interviews

Terri has been featured as a guest on podcasts that focus on business, consulting and Angel investing. Visit this page to find listen to her interviews



Pitch Panel Judge

March 29, 2017

San Francisco, CA

Her diverse background in consulting for life science companies and being an Angel investor make Terri a valuable addition to panels discussing Angel Investing, Shifting demographics, empowering women and other underrepresented populations in the startup environment. She is also available for pitch panels, both judging or feedback. 

Follow Terri's blog on Medium to stay up to date with her takeaways and experiences.



upcoming engagements


Pitch Panel Judge

February 28, 2017