Episode 107 -Terri talks with Meha Agrawal about health, happiness, community, purpose and meaning for women.


Show Highlights

·      Meha talks about how we learn from our community and are able to apply these learnings within our own lives

·      Meha suggests giving time and space to yourself to reflect on your own needs

·      Terri and Meha discuss the grounding effect of daily journaling

·      Meha shares how journaling helped her get out of a vicious spiral of negativity

·      Meha discussed the research around the healing power of bringing pen to paper

·      Terri and Meha discuss the power of community, listening to others and the importance of reflection, intention and action

·      Meha encourages women to take the pressure off the long term when defining your purpose and meaning (ikigai) and appreciating the small things

·      Terri emphasizes the importance of women focusing on their own journeys and learning through exploration, experimentation, and failure

·      Meha reminds us that happier women make for a happier world.


Terri’s Key Takeaway

Bringing pen to paper slows the brain down. 


References in the Podcast

·      Piloting Your Life:  https://www.pilotingyourlife.com/

·      Silk & Sonder: https://www.silkandsonder.com/

·      #LiftNotDrag 31 Day Challenge:  https://medium.com/terri-hanson-mead/liftnotdrag-31-day-challenge-6395dc27e37b

·      Pinterest #LiftNotDrag 31 Day Challenge:  https://pin.it/62iluqdk226qal



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Meha Agrawal can be reached through Instragram @mehaagrawal and @silkandsonder and through the Silk & Sonder website silkandsonder.com. Or by email at hello@silkandsonder.com.

You can follow Terri on Twitter at @terrihansonmead or go to her website at www.terrihansonmead.com. Terri blogs a variety of topics on Medium at https://medium.com/terri-hanson-mead.  

Terri would love to hear from you via email at PilotingYourLife@gmail.com.