Episode 100 -Terri celebrates episode 100 and talks about losing her way and her why and the power of vision boards.


Terri celebrates episode 100 talking about losing her way, losing her why, and the power of vision boards.  She talks about getting comfortable with saying no and asking for what she wants, and learning to let go.

Show Highlights

·      Terri talks about feeling insignificant in her efforts and how she’s created a vision board to help manifest what she wants in her life. 

·      Terri shares her vision boarding experience and how she wants to feel.

·      Terri shared the brief and tender moment with her son that ended with him laughing at her as she cried.

·      Terri comments on midlife as a challenging time of transition and opportunities

Terri’s Key Takeaway

It’s ok to feel the feels.

References in the Podcast

·      All Raise: https://www.allraise.org/

·      Portfolia: https://www.portfolia.co/

·      Pipeline Angels: pipelineangels.com

·      Solutions2Projects, LLC (Terri’s consulting company): http://www.terrihansonmead.com/solutions2projects


You can follow Terri on Twitter at @terrihansonmead or go to her website at www.terrihansonmead.com or on Medium:  https://medium.com/@terrihansonmead. 

Feel free to email Terri at PilotingYourLife@gmail.com.

To continue the conversation, go to Twitter at @PilotingLife and use hashtag #PilotingYourLife.
