Episode 55 -Leigh Koechner about how she realized that she was on the planet to shine her light and helps others do the same.

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Terri talks to Leigh Koechner about her journey to becoming a spiritual teacher.  She now works with others to help them find greater meaning in their lives and answer the questions as to why they are on the planet and what they are meant to do.   

Who is Leigh Koechner?

Leigh Koechner is a writer, speaker, and spiritual teacher (who likes doing the splits and sipping martinis). She inspires by being unapologetically who she is and maintains an open mind and heart. She is the parenting expert for Deepak Chopra’s Global Wellbeing App JIYO, Executive Producer on The Mindfulness Movement Documentary, and launched her most recent Facebook Live Series on April 11th called Coming Home, 33 Days of Self-Care. 


She has appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s “Your Own Show”, The Comebacks, and her One-Woman Show “Miss Junior Overland Park” on the Oxygen Network. 

Leigh is a stand-up comedic who has graced the stages of Flappers and The Comedy Store.  

Leigh resides in the City of Angeles with her beloved husband, actor David Koechner, and their five beautiful children. 


Show Highlights

  • Leigh explains what a spiritual teacher is and her journey to become one. 
  • In working with a life coach, she found the language that spoke to her soul and decided to attend the University of Santa Monica for a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology.  
  • She wanted to get an answer to these two questions:  Who in the hell am I and why am I on this planet? She learned that she was on the planet to shine her light.  
  • Leigh spoke at an event in Aspen on manifesting and ended up sitting next to a gentleman at the bar who had created a global wellbeing app with Deepak Chopra global called Jiyo. After he returned to India, he reached out and asked her to be the parenting expert for the app because she was living the life.
  • Leigh got past her own self-judgment and agreed to do it.   She owned her own hard work. 
  • Terri observed that Leigh seemed to have learned to express, and embrace, who she was while attending the University of Santa Monica.  
  • Leigh was asked by another dad at her kids’ school about participating in a mindfulness documentary and she had to go look up the word.  Mindfulness is giving all your attention to the present moment without judgment. She is now co-producer of the mindfulness documentary with Deepak Chopra.  
  • Leigh does month-long Facebook programs on topics like mindfulness, finding your gift, owner-shit, and manifesting.  
  • Leigh comments on how we have a choice in how we show up and we can choose to be happy.  
  • Leigh believes that when we are good inside, things are better outside.  
  • Terri talks about how we are rewarded for being ‘busy’ and how we can miss the magical moments in our lives.  
  • Terri talks about how she was raised by two parents who had very different views regarding life:  her dad emphasized the importance of planning for the future and her mom emphasized the need to pay attention to today. It was quite the tug-o-war. Terri is focused on living now and preparing for the future.  
  • Leigh talks about how any time you are holding things or worrying about things that you are hurting your body.  Don’t live in fear. Do your work and then enjoy life like looking both ways and then crossing the street.  
  • Terri talks about how she realized how much time she spent planning for every eventuality and how she was missing out on the current moment. Terri realized that as a recovering control freak, that it was her way of establishing some level of control in times when everything was uncertain and out of her control.  
  • Leigh’s mom was not involved in her life growing up so when her first child was born, she found that she was a blank slate.  She had to learn behaviors that she had no basis from her own experience. 
  • Leigh learned from her mom that she just wanted to be seen and heard and realized that this is what parenting is all about.  
  • If Leigh could wave a magic wand, she would wave so it sprinkles like pixie dust into people’s hair, and when it touches them, that they have a flash of their greatness; that for a second, they could feel their power.  Once you feel it, you can’t stop it.  


Terri’s Key Takeaway

We can choose to be happy; we can choose how we show up in the world.  


References in the Podcast

  • University of Santa Monica: http://www.universityofsantamonica.edu/
  • Jiyo: https://jiyo.com/home
  • Deepak Chopra: https://www.deepakchopra.com/
  • Holly Ruxin:  http://montcalmtcr.com/



Leigh can be reached through her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LeighKoechner33/


You can follow Terri on Twitter at @terrihansonmead or go to her website at www.terrihansonmead.com or on Medium:  https://medium.com/@terrihansonmead. 

Feel free to email Terri at PilotingYourLife@gmail.com.

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