Episode 26 - Interview with Chris Brown on startups in Estonia, fighting against our own biology, and the importance of connecting as humans.

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Terri talks to Chris Brown about his time in Estonia working with startups and how VCs invest in the same things because they are afraid of being wrong.   She also talks to him about how we must fight against our human biology in the way we make decisions and actively break down the walls that keep us from connecting as humans.   



Who is Chris Brown?

Chris has worked in multiple roles around the startup scene for past several years both in Europe and in the US. He's a passionate and driven connector and advisor, and over the last several years has worked in acceleration, VC, and startup/corporate collaboration. He believes unwaveringly in the power of technology to break down ancient barriers of business, politics, and culture, while in the process bringing the world closer together. 


Show Highlights

  • Chris discusses how he ended up in Estonia, gives us a little history lesson on Estonia and describes how it has become a hotbed for startups and technology
  • Terri and Chris talk about shifting demographics and demands and the opportunities in changing investment focus as a result
  • Chris talks about how VCs invest in the same things because they are afraid of being wrong
  • Terri talks about how more and more women are becoming investors and are looking at the investment opportunities through a different lens that are in alignment with their values
  • Chris talks about how we need to fight against our human biology to shift our attention from outliers and waxes philosophical about how we make decisions as humans
  • Chris would wave a magic wand to change our need for tribes that separate us as humans and break down the walls that keep us from connecting as humans


Terri’s Key Takeaway

While we need some of our delusions to survive, we need to challenge our beliefs to thrive.  


References in the Podcast



Chris an be reached via LinkedIn with a message about why you want to connect:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/cjbcreighton/

And on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/cjbcreighton

And on Twitter:  @cjbcreighton

You can follow Terri on Twitter at @terrihansonmead or go to her website at www.terrihansonmead.com or on Medium:  https://medium.com/@terrihansonmead. 

Feel free to email Terri at PilotingYourLife@gmail.com.

To continue the conversation, go to Twitter at @PilotingLife and use hashtag #PilotingYourLife.